Our Parents

Collaborate with us

At Cooloola Christian College, we extend a warm welcome to parents and actively encourage their involvement in our school community. We deeply value the important role parents play in shaping the culture of our College.

We offer a variety of avenues through which parents can actively engage and enrich our community, tailored to accommodate diverse experiences, schedules, and interests.

  • Parents and Friends Association (P&F): Joining the P&F allows parents to collaborate with teachers and administrators to organise events, fundraisers, and initiatives that benefit the school and its students.
  • Faith in Action (FIA): A branch of the P&F, FIA assists CCCs Support Services and Well Being team with practical help in the form of home-cooked or store bought meals, vouchers and other various required items.
  • Volunteering: Parents can volunteer their time to help out with various activities such as school events, excursions, library assistance, or classroom support. Volunteering is a great way to actively participate in your child's education and connect with other parents
  • Community Events: Attend and support community events hosted by the school, such as Chapel, Athletics Carnival & Cross Country, the P&F Welcome BBQ, SHINE Arts Excellence celebrations, or other social occasions throughout the year. Participating in these events fosters a sense of community and school pride.
  • Communication and Feedback: Provide feedback and suggestions to school administration on ways to improve the school community and enhance the educational experience for students. Open communication between parents and school staff is essential for continuous improvement.

By getting involved in these ways, parents can actively contribute to the Cooloola Christian College community and help create a positive and enriching environment for all students.

Get involved and contact us today!