Outdoor Education

Outdoor education @ CCC aims to foster environmental stewardship, teamwork, personal growth, and practical skills through experiential learning in God's creation.

YR 7 & 8 - Outdoor Education unit in HPE

YR 9 & 10 -
2-year fundamentals course

YR 11 & 12 -
Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation

Course highlights:

  • Climbing
  • Hiking (major challenge)
  • Canoeing
  • First Aid
  • Marine Studies (major challenge)
  • Mountain Biking

Locations of camps:

  • Hiking – Sunshine Coast Great Walk
  • Canoeing – Upper Noosa River National Park
  • Marine Studies – TBC
  • Mountain Biking – Brisbane Rail Trail and Wooroi Mountain Bike Trails


  • Navigational skills
  • Camping skills
  • Cooking/food preparation skills
“There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.” 
— Kurt Hahn

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